
My how time flies!

Well I am sure you may have noticed that I have been a little MIA around here lately.  I cannot believe that it is November already! I swear is was just April a couple months ago.  Things on my end have been a bit crazy, we had a huge project come up at work which meant I was just working like crazy over the summer and then it was extension time for taxes and that ended in October and here we are at the start of November.  So I am finally to a point where I can breath and wanted to swing by and give you a glimpse into the last few months.

First up I want to give a quick update on the Etsy shop! Things have been going really well, I am not crazy busy but things are selling.  I kind of like it this way where I am getting an order here and there.  It allows me time to make sure that I am not rushing products out the door.  I will say that the best thing so far in my shop has got to be the Instax Mini Albums.  I can’t keep them in stock!  Which makes me so happy, and also means that I am working on a new cover designs which I hope to have up before Thanksgiving.  As well as a whole new size album which I think should be created just in time for the crazy soon holiday season!  So be sure to keep checking in on the Etsy shop over the next month or so for new products.  If you have twitter you can click on the side bar to the right and follow me and/or if you are big on Instagram be sure to follow me at TheBlurredLinesofSanity. I post pictures of new items as well as behind the scene type photos, a sneak peek of Instagram is also located on the right hand side.

I also want to let you guys know that I have taken up a new hobby of knitting.  No it isn’t just for little old ladies, I honestly had no clue how relaxing this hobby would be.  Then it wasn’t until I was a few projects in that I came to terms with the fact that I have been sucked in.  I started learning to knit back in early summer, I can’t even tell you how it started other than I tried about 7 yrs ago to knit and I did fine but it just never stuck.  But this time I picked up those needles and I haven’t been able to put them down.  I have managed to knit a pair of socks, a blanket, a scarf, & two hats completely.  I am still working on 2 sweaters; these are my down fall so far, because I work on them then put them down to do some other project that I can complete quickly since a sweater is no small feat and they take forever.  But I am sure once they are completed they will be some of my favorite things.  So don’t be surprised if in the coming months there are some knitting related posts.  I signed up for Yarnbox, which is a monthly yarn subscription where they send out a surprise yarn based off what you set as your preferences.  Since I am a few months in I think I am going to start doing reviews on the boxes I get/got.  I would also like to do some posts on just the things that I am working on so that other new knitters can see how things come a long.  I know I like looking at others knitting projects and ideas while I am trying to figure something out.  If you are on Ravelry you can find me here.  I am still learning how to fully use this site but it has been fun seeing all the patterns and getting to see notes from people who have made the item before.

If you have taken up a new hobby or even picked up an old one let me know in the comments! I would love to hear what everyone has been doing or what you are going to be doing through the end of 2014!  I have some posts planned over the coming weeks so please bear* with me as I get back on track!

*Full disclosure I totally had to look up if it was “bear” or “bare” and I learned you use bear because it is for forbearance which completely makes sense once I read it. If I used bare I would basically be asking you to get undressed with me.  So there is that tidbit for the day.


Etsy Shop News!

Hi Guys!

Well I am happy to report that my Etsy shop has officially opened as of this past weekend!  If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you have already seen the pics and the link so I apologize for the overload of Etsy. 🙂

So the process of getting the shop open was very nerve wracking.  For a good 10 mins I battled with myself and the computer on whether or not I was ready to face the world and open up.  There is this button that all you have to do is click it and you are open well I kept bypassing that screen and double checking the listing, my policies, my about, the picture, the heading, etc…. Until finally I was like forget it just push the button and open!  That little pep talk and a few choice words to myself got me to just click the button.  Which means the shop is live and ready for orders! Please go check out the brand new store: Blurred Lines of Sanity

Currently I only have one item listed at the moment, and it is for a screen printed Moleskine notebook. I am hoping to have some jewelry pieces and more notebooks up on the site over the next few weeks.  Especially since I got the shop opened earlier than planned!  I will admit I have been one of those people constantly checking the Etsy app to see how many views I’ve gotten and I was totally smitten when I saw that some actually favorited* my notebook.  It’s the little things in life.

When you check out the shop be sure to come back here and leave me a comment letting me know what you think as well as if you have any themes you would like to see! I would love to hear from everyone!

Thanks for sticking with me on this crazy journey, I can’t wait for what is ahead!

*is favorited even a word? Isn’t that the action of to favor something online? The red squiggly line says its a word but only if capitalized, I am rebelling and using lowercase 🙂 Let me know if the comments.

Quick Note

Hi guys! I promise that I am still alive and working on the blog, just in the hidden back room.  My day job unfortunately has me under piles of paper leaving very little time to get things posted and up.  But since it has been awhile since I posted I wanted to swing in and give you a glimpse into what has been happening in that hidden back room.

Things are in full design mode for my upcoming Etsy shop; I am working on some stamped metal jewelry as well as screen printed notebooks.  I am just trying to narrow down a few designs and will get the shop listed hopefully by the end of next month; with a few select pieces just to see how things go.  I have been trying to find the right materials for the jewelry because there are just so many options out there I am still trying to learn which are the best quality.  The notebooks I have already waiting to be printed I am just trying to decide if I want to print them as they are ordered or all at once.  It’s funny what goes through your mind when you are starting an Etsy shop.

I have also been dealing with the fun oddities of owning a home.  I tried to buy a new fridge since the current one I have is just not working for me anymore.  I went and picked out this lovely new Kenmore Elite Grab-N-Go fridge from the Sears Outlet.  It had a couple dents in it but I was told they are totally functioning.  So I bit the bullet and bought it saving approximately $2500 on the cost because it had a couple dents.  Well a week later on Valentine’s day I was patiently waiting for my lovely new fridge to get there.  It of course did and I was so excited, it got hooked up and looked all pretty in my kitchen.  But that was were the fun ended, while the installer was testing the water line nothing was happening.  Fast forward 5 mins I notice that water is now on my floor but we can figure out where it is coming from.  He was checking the line on the back and it wasn’t dripping.  That is when I decide to open the french doors and was greeted by a rush of water.  The fridge had been collecting water inside the entire time we were pushing the water button on the outside.  Needless to say I had to send my Valentine’s present to myself back and I am stuck with my boring fridge until after tax season.  When I will have more time to take time off of work for deliveries.

On the tail end of this delivery when they were turning the water off and on under my sink it loosened up something and I got a leak.  Which of course I didn’t know about until a week later when I went in for dishwasher soap.  I managed to narrowed down the leak and kind of knew what I needed to do in order to fix it.  But that meant I would need to head to Lowe’s where I get to be that girl wandering around with no clue where to go in the home improvement store.  I stood and stared at the wall of valves for what seemed like forever until I saw an employee, unfortunately he had to pass me off to a gentlemen who was only moderately happy to help me.  I say moderately because he admitted it had been a long day for him and I could tell he really didn’t want to help me.  But he sucked it up and helped me find the right valve.  I went home all ready to switch the valve out and then quickly learned that while I have all the brains to do this I lack the brawn to complete the task at hand.  I did manage to put some teflon tape on the threads of where the leak was coming from and when I screwed the tube back on it seems to be holding the leak at bay.  But while the leak may have stopped I am still in need of replacing the valve because I sense that when I get a new fridge again this could happen all over again and I want to prevent that.  So lucky for me I have a step-dad who has the brawn to come over and get the valve off the wall for me sometime in the near future.

Of course all of this is happening during the busiest time of year for me at work.  I am working crazy hours so I have to admit I am dead tired once I walk through my doors at night so I am a little slow at getting posts written.  Hopefully I will get a break and can get something up over the next few weeks.  So please stay tuned as I work through all these kinks!!